Together for Trails Photo Contest
Help us to promote the Fox Cities trail system by capturing the natural beauty of our greenways, showcasing the linkages of trails in our community, and sharing how you experience trails with your family and friends. You don’t need to be a professional photographer or have an expensive camera, just follow the rules below and submit your entry. Please share your photos to our social media accounts as well!
Contest Eligibility, How to Enter, & Deadline

Residents and visitors of the Fox Cities region who are at least 13 years old are eligible to participate in the annual Together for Trails Photo Contest.
The photo contest submissions end November 22 at 5pm.
Each photo must be submitted using the submission form at the bottom of this page. Photos need to include a trail, waterway, or greenway in the Fox Cities region and illustrate a specific contest category.
Photos should illustrate the many ways our trails, greenspaces, and waterways are utilized in the Fox Cities region by:
Discovering the natural beauty of our trails: wildlife, flora, and fauna.
Exploring and sharing trail experiences with family and friends: encouraging outdoor activities, destinations, fitness, and traveling safely.
There is a cash prize and free Greenways membership for 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place in each category, as well as a People’s Choice Award.
Email any questions you have to fcgreenways@gmail.com.